From the top! Firstly we have the outfit I wore to my London birthday drinks last night (I'm like the Queen, I always have two birthdays if possible!) which was exclusively from Primark. I've had the t-shirt for ages but the skirt is new. Then there's the dress I bought from - shock horror - Topshop. It's been years since I've found something I like in Topshop - usually the place makes me feel old and I spend most of my time in there saying things like '£50? For Topshop jeans? They were £20 when I used to buy my jeans from here!' - so finding this dress was a very pleasant surprise. It's not actually by Topshop, which might explain things - it's by Reko. It's very cute and I think it'll work equally well with a cardie and opaque tights for winter, or on its own in the summer. And then in the third picture, we have the dress I got for my birthday. It's from New Look, it has lovely little flowers on it, and the sleeves are all fab and puffy. Finally, the last photo is of my ultra-comfy yet quite funky and stylish New Look sweater dress. It's a lot more flattering than it looks, and it's REALLY warm. Too warm to wear at the moment, really (although I did the other day, because you have to wear new things as soon as you get them) but I have a feeling it's going to be amazing for the winter.
The great storecupboard challenge
14 years ago
Loving all of those! Especially the New Look jumper dress ... Must resist the temptation to go to New Look website! You're also making me want to re-check out topshop as it normally makes me feel old everytime I go in there also! ~ bdg :)